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Refocus for Kids is Charity funded by Prision Link aimed at ages 0-13 year olds. 

Refocus for Kids is a new initiative founded in 2021. A charity that is desperately needed to refocus our kids after the world pandemic that has not only separated them from each other but has caused a lot of mental anguish. The project aims to promote good community cohesion, diversity, British values, healthy lifestyle and self-development, and pro-socialness through a variety of workshops.


The difference will be measured by an initial assessment of each child at the start of the project and at the end of the project an impact assessment and if need be a sign-posting session. Inner-city children will benefit from this project. We anticipate running this project in the first 4 weeks of the summer holiday.

Who is it for?

We will be advertising this project in the local primary schools for year 6 and local secondary schools for years 7,8 and 9. We plan to learn from this initiative by the impact assessment, evaluation which includes parents/carers, participants and professionals as this will help to shape future projects. 

Give us a call:


Meet the Leaders

Dionne Dehaney is the founder of Refocus For Kids. She is a Secondary School by profession. She is extremely passionate about young people and helping them to grow and develop towards there future. 


Dave Wilkes is a Spoken word Artist, full of energy and enthusiastic to teach! He is a lover of literature and enjoys teaching poetry workshops. 

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